Lead Pastor, Wife, Gigi & Mother

Helping connect people to a full life in Jesus Christ

My Story

Where did my #didntgoasplanned journey begin?  I was born in Columbia and raised in Mexico, spent 20 years in Kansas City and currently live in the Northeast. 

Make a Difference

Making a difference in people’s lives is something I am passionate about. Learn how you can make a difference in someone’s life today.

With Gratitude…

I recently posted this quote on my social media outlets... "Beginnings are scary, endings are usually sad, but it is the middle that counts the most. You need to remember that when you find yourself at the beginning. Just give hope a chance to float up." This comes...

What shape are you?

We all have a choice to make in this life. We can spend our life exhausted trying to fit into places and things that God never intended us to fit in, or we can walk in the fullness of life he has for us.

About Gina

My journey has been filled with unplanned, unexpected, beautiful, messy moments. If there was a theme for my life it would simply be #didntgoasplanned. But in the unplanned I have found a deep sense of grace, peace and calling.