I’m glad you are here. My journey has been filled with unplanned, unexpected, beautiful, messy moments. If I had a theme for my life it would simply be #didntgoasplanned. But in the unplanned I have found a deep sense of grace, peace and calling.

As a 16 year old girl, I meet and fell in love with my high school sweet heart, Jason Colburn. In 1995 he swept me off my feet and I became his Mrs. Our plan for our life was hijacked by God’s plan shortly after we got married and our family expanded from 2 to 6 in the next 5 years. It was then that I found a love like I couldn’t explain. Being a wife and mom was all that I could have hoped for, little did I know then that God wasn’t finish with me yet!

While I changed diapers, washed mountains of laundry, and stumbled around sleep deprived, God was molding me and preparing me for the next step in my journey. Jason continue to grow in his career in the IT world, while I thought I was mastering mothering. (is that even real?)

Over the next 20 years, we worked closely with the local church, started our own non profit organization, Forever Yours Ministries, designed to help couples have strong marriages. In 2007, I started a part time job as a Children’s Pastor, that led me back to college where I worked hard and received my Pastoral Ministry Degree from Indiana Wesleyan University.
In 2014, I was ordained in the Wesleyan Church and became the Lead Pastor at Trinity Wesleyan Church in Allentown PA. Today you can find me wearing many different hats, Wife, Mom, Lead Pastor, sister, daughter, friend but always Child of the King.

Here I share my heart, to connect to other women and men who are on a journey of finding out who they are in Christ and navigating the journey of life we all find ourselves on.

If there is anything I have learned is life is messy and beautiful. And no matter how old I get, the more I understand how much I have to learn. So welcome to my journal, the good, the bad and the messy!

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