Meet Gina Colburn

Welcome to my cozy corner of the world! I’m thrilled you’ve joined me here. This is a sanctuary where you can be your authentic self, free from judgment. I’m a firm believer that there’s a special niche for each of us. Dive into my blog posts, tune in to “Gina’s Table” podcast, or discover where I’ll be speaking next. I’m eager to connect with you and learn your story. Let’s not walk this path alone; invite friends, family, and kindred spirits to join us. Life is a tapestry woven better together. Together, let’s make this journey unforgettable.

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Explore Recent Insights on Family, Faith, and Personal Growth

Episode 10: Unlabeling: Embracing Identity Beyond the Titles

As we journey through life, we often find ourselves adorned with various labels. These labels can come from our professions, our roles in society, or even from the perceptions of those around us. They can empower us, define us, and sometimes, limit us. But what...

Episode One: Gina’s Table- Notes from the Table!

Welcome to the inaugural blog post for “Gina’s Table,” a podcast that’s all about fostering community, embracing our authentic selves, and addressing the pressing issues of our time. In this post, we’ll delve into the themes of the first episode and explore the vision...

With Gratitude…

I recently posted this quote on my social media outlets... "Beginnings are scary, endings are usually sad, but it is the middle that counts the most. You need to remember that when you find yourself at the beginning. Just give hope a chance to float up." This comes...

What shape are you?

We all have a choice to make in this life. We can spend our life exhausted trying to fit into places and things that God never intended us to fit in, or we can walk in the fullness of life he has for us.

Being a circle in a square world…

Have you ever been disappointed? Recently I found myself disappointed. I had sent a couple of emails and left a few voice mails and all were unanswered. After a while, my mind and heart started down a path of destructive self-talk and disappointment. “To be...

The Next Step?

Welcome to this space. Maybe this is your first time joining me, or maybe you have popped in once or twice before. Let me take a minute to give you a little bit about me, where I have been and who I am becoming. If you have read my bio linked at the top of the page,...

Untangling the cords…

Recently, I found myself fighting with a tangled vacuum cord. Have you ever wrestled with a tangled cord? Wondering how something could become so tangled? The more I wrestled with it, the worse it seemed to get. I yanked, I pulled, with little change in how tangled it...

Numbers: Do They Matter?

I have been thinking about numbers a lot lately... Numbers define and measure things. We weigh ourselves (side note starting 2020, 25 less than 2019) We check our balance in our checking account (mine always seems to be lower than what I think!) We set goals at work,...

Running right out of comfort…

Often times I can't believe I am here. A few months ago, I stood behind the very pulpit my grandfather preached for over 25 years to the same church, living out his calling. Although, he didn't get to see or know that I became a pastor, he would probably be the most...

Didn’t Go As Planned Life…

Here I am in the dark of my living room, when I should be in bed, sleeping. My first meeting is at 6:45 in the morning. I should be doing what normal people do at this time of night...sleeping. But here I am, awake. And my mind is racing with thoughts. I downloaded a...

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