Lead Pastor, Wife, Gigi & Mother

Helping connect people to a full life in Jesus Christ

My Story

Where did my #didntgoasplanned journey begin?  I was born in Columbia and raised in Mexico, spent 20 years in Kansas City and currently live in the Northeast. 

Make a Difference

Making a difference in people’s lives is something I am passionate about. Learn how you can make a difference in someone’s life today.

An open letter to my church, Trinity Wesleyan…

I have said it often that time goes very quickly. Sometimes when I turn another month in my calendar and see the year splashed at the top I can't believe it. 2016. Jason and I have been married for 21 years and have found ourselves in some form of ministry or another...

When the sounds of night become life giving…

I walked out the door of the church tonight and immediately was hit with the sound of crickets chirping, the pale light of the moon peeking behind the clouds and the smell of grass. I walked the few feet between the church and my house soaking in the whole scene....

Present over Perfect…

This book, these words, have undone me. Three books that I have completed this year have been a combination of conviction, grace and celebration. (Present over Perfect, Breaking Busy, and Ordering Your Private World)  I am undone by what God is teaching me in this...

New things take time to bloom…

New things in life do not happen overnight. There is a process, there is peeling away the old and finding what things lie beneath the surface that need attention.  And that is the process I am in...peeling away what is so that I can make room for the new. Since my...

About Gina

My journey has been filled with unplanned, unexpected, beautiful, messy moments. If there was a theme for my life it would simply be #didntgoasplanned. But in the unplanned I have found a deep sense of grace, peace and calling.